Unemployment Insurance Benefits for Self-Employed, Contractors and Farmers

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Important Update: As of September 5, 2021, several federal unemployment benefit programs, including PUA, PEUC, EB, and FPUC, have expired, per federal law. For more information, visit dol.ny.gov/fedexp.

Pandemic Unemployment Assistance was a federal program that was part of the Coronavirus Aid, Relief and Economic Security (CARES) Act that provided extended eligibility for individuals who have traditionally been ineligible for Unemployment Insurance benefits (e.g., self-employed workers, independent contractors).

You were not eligible for PUA if you could telework, or if you received paid sick leave or other paid leave benefits (regardless of meeting a category listed above).

Additionally, the CARES Act provided FPUC, an additional $600 per week for benefit weeks ending 4/5/2020 to 7/26/2020 and $300 per week for benefit weeks ending 1/3/2021 to 9/5/2021.

DOL has launched an updated, streamlined online application.

What's Related

How to File

Sign in or create a NY.gov ID account and follow the instructions to file a claim.

If you have never filed a claim for benefits in New York State, you must create a PIN. This is a four-digit number that you must keep confidential. This PIN will be used to access the system to certify for weekly benefits and update your account.

Ready? Make sure you have with you:

You can file a claim without all of these documents. However, missing information can delay your first payment.

If you cannot print web pages, have a pen and paper to copy information.

If you choose direct deposit of your weekly benefits, you need a check that has your bank routing and checking account numbers. You cannot choose direct deposit if you file your claim by telephone.

Payment Options

If you apply for Unemployment Insurance, you will be asked if you want to receive your benefits by direct deposit or debit card.

If you apply over the phone, you will automatically receive your benefits via debit card unless you had a previous claim and you received them by direct deposit.


It is best to apply for Unemployment Insurance or Pandemic Unemployment Assistance online.

Call our Telephone Claim Center, toll-free during business hours to file a claim.