Retirement Lump Sum Benefits

Retirement fund lump sum withdrawal benefits consist of lump sums from a pension, pension preservation, provident, provident preservation or retirement annuity fund on withdrawal (including assignment in terms of a divorce order).

Tax on a specific retirement fund lump sum withdrawal benefit (lump sum X) is equal to:

This webpage details the Withdrawal Benefits, as well as the Retirement fund lump sum benefits or severance benefits (scroll down).

Withdrawal Benefit

2025 tax year (1 March 2024 – 28 February 2025) – No changes from last year:
Taxable income (R)​ Rate of tax
1 – 27 5000% of taxable income
27 501 – 726 00018% of taxable income above 27 500
726 001 – 1 089 000125 730 + 27% of taxable income above 726 000
1 089 001 and above223 740 + 36% of taxable income above 1 089 000
2024 tax year (1 March 2023 – 29 February 2024) – See changes from last year:
Taxable income (R)​ Rate of tax
1 – 27 5000% of taxable income
27 501 – 726 00018% of taxable income above 27 500
726 001 – 1 089 000125 730 + 27% of taxable income above 726 000
1 089 001 and above223 740 + 36% of taxable income above 1 089 000
2023 tax year (1 March 2022 – 28 February 2023) – No changes from last year:
Taxable income (R)​ Rate of tax (R)​
1 – 25 000​​0%
​25 001 – 660 000​18% of taxable income above 25 000
​660 001 – 990 000​114 300 + 27% of taxable income above 660 000
​990 001 and above​​203 400 + 36% of taxable income above 990 000
2022 tax year (1 March 2021 – 28 February 2022) – No changes from last year
Taxable income (R)​ Rate of tax (R)​
1 – 25 000​​0%
​25 001 – 660 000​18% of taxable income above 25 000
​660 001 – 990 000​114 300 + 27% of taxable income above 660 000
​990 001 and above​​203 400 + 36% of taxable income above 990 000

Retirement fund lump sum benefits or severance benefits

Retirement fund lump sum benefits consist of lump sums from a pension, pension preservation, provident, provident preservation or retirement annuity fund on death, retirement, or termination of employment due to attaining the age of 55 years, sickness, accident, injury, incapacity, redundancy or termination of the employer’s trade.

Severance benefits consist of lump sums from or by arrangement with an employer due to relinquishment, termination, loss, repudiation, cancellation or variation of a person’s office or employment.

Tax on a specific retirement fund lump sum benefit or a severance benefit (lump sum or severance benefit Y) is equal to:

2025 tax year (1 March 2024 – 28 February 2025) – No changes from last year:

Taxable income (R) ​Rate of tax
1 – 550 0000% of taxable income
550 001 – 770 00018% of taxable income above 550 000
770 001 – 1 155 00039 600 + 27% of taxable income above 770 000
1 155 001 and above143 550 + 36% of taxable income above 1 155 000
2024 tax year (1 March 2023 – 29 February 2024) – See changes from last year:
Taxable income (R) ​Rate of tax
1 – 550 0000% of taxable income
550 001 – 770 00018% of taxable income above 550 000
770 001 – 1 155 00039 600 + 27% of taxable income above 770 000
1 155 001 and above143 550 + 36% of taxable income above 1 155 000
2023 tax year (1 March 2022 – 28 February 2023) – No changes from last year:
Taxable income (R) ​Rate of tax (R)
1 – 500 000​​0% of taxable income​
​500 001 – 700 000​​18% of taxable income above 500 000
700 001 – 1 050 000​​​36 000 + 27% of taxable income above 700 000
​1 050 001 and above​130 500 + 36% of taxable income above 1 050 000
2022 tax year (1 March 2021 – 28 February 2022) – No changes from last year
Taxable income (R) ​Rate of tax (R)
1 – 500 000​​0% of taxable income​
​500 001 – 700 000​​18% of taxable income above 500 000
700 001 – 1 050 000​​​36 000 + 27% of taxable income above 700 000
​1 050 001 and above​130 500 + 36% of taxable income above 1 050 000