Bleed-Out Agreement Sample Clauses

Bleed-Out Agreement. As to the 10 million shares of the Company’s Common Stock that each Rxxxxx and Sxxxxxx will hold upon execution of this Agreement (the “Subject Shares”), each mutually agree that the Subject Shares shall be subject to a bleed-out agreement as follows; The purpose of this bleed-out agreement is to allow for shares to be sold in an orderly manner. The bleed-out provision is effective from the date hereof or issuance in the case of Sxxxxxx, and run until all of the Subject Shares have been sold by Sxxxxxx and Rxxxxx. Each agrees that he will not sell, offer to sell, contract or agree to sell, hypothecate, pledge, grant any option to purchase, make any short sale or otherwise dispose of or agree to dispose of any of the Common owned of the Company owned directly by him or with respect to which he may have beneficial ownership as defined by the rules and regulations of the Securities and Exchange Commission, except in compliance with the following share limitation and selling restriction. In each case, sales of the Subject Shares shall be limited to the greater of (A) ten percent (10%) of the ten day average daily trading volume as reported by a nationally recognized source (e.g. Bloomberg) or (B) $1,000 worth of shares, exclusive of commissions (the “Share Limitation”), during any trading day (the “Selling Restriction”). This Share Limitation shall continue unless terminated or modified by mutual agreement and the Share Limitation is not cumulative. Therefore, if he forgoes selling any of his part of the Subject Shares for a particular day, during the following day he will be limited by the Share Limitation. Each understands and agrees that this bleed-out provision is irrevocable except by mutual written agreement and shall be binding upon him and his heirs, legal representatives, successors, and assigns. This Bleed-Out Agreement will be set forth in and as a requirement in any 10b5 plan to which Rxxxxx or Sxxxxxx are parties; and

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