When is a building permit required?
Any owner or authorized agent who intends to construct, enlarge, alter, repair, move, demolish, or change the occupancy of a building or structure, or to erect, install, enlarge, alter, repair, remove, convert or replace any electrical, gas, mechanical or plumbing system, the installation of which is regulated by the California Building Code (CBC), California Mechanical Code (CMC), California Plumbing Code (CPC), California Fire Code (CFC), the California Electric Code (CEC), or the California Energy Code (CEC), or to cause any such work to be done, shall first make application to the Building Official and obtain the required permit.
Do I need a building permit to install a Portable Hot Tub?
Yes. A permit is required for the electrical supply to the spa or hot tub and also so that state required pool and spa barriers can be inspected.
Do I need a building permit to install an attached patio cover, enclosed patio or solarium?
Separate plumbing, electrical and mechanical permits will be required for the above-exempted items.
Who may obtain a building permit?
Permits may only be issued to a licensed contractor or the property owner or their certified agent. (Contractors License and Workers Compensation Insurance verification required).
When is an inspection necessary?
All projects for which a building permit is required will need inspection. Typically inspections are required for foundation; underslab/underfloor; floor joists/girders; underfloor insulation; roof sheathing/shear wall nail; rough electric, mechanical, plumbing and frame; exterior lath; insulation; drywall nail; final inspection. Rule of thumb- "Don't cover it before the inspector sees it."
How do I arrange an inspection?
Call the 24 hour inspection request line phone number noted at the top right hand of your building permit. (707) 784-4750. Leave a voice mail with the job address, the building permit number, the date you need the inspection, and the nature of the inspection requested.
When can I talk to an inspector?
The building inspectors are generally in the office between 8-8:30AM and 4:00-4:30PM. Inspectors have voice mail if you are unable to reach them in the office. Support staff is available between the hours of 8AM-5PM. Call (707) 784-6765.
Phone: (707) 784-6765
How can I get copies of permit history?
A records research can be conducted for $35.50 per quarter hour plus the price of copies (75¢ for the first copy and 12¢ there after for 8 ½ x 11 and 75¢ for 11 x 14). Note: Records prior to 1995 may not be complete.
In addition to building permits, what other permits are necessary?
The following permits may also be applicable:
Use Permit
Zoning Consistency Review
Architectural Review
Public Works:
Grading Permit
Encroachment Permit
Env. Health:
Well Permit
Septic Tank Permit
Other Agencies:
Depending upon the location and type of structure, permits from other agencies may be required such as water/sewer districts, Air Quality Management Districts, etc. Please contact the Building & Safety Division at (707) 784-6765 for more information.