Anderson County, Texas: Arrest Records and Warrants

Whether you have good reason to believe that there may be an arrest warrant out in your name in Anderson County, Texas, or not, it is important that you at least know the proper way of finding out for sure. This is because voluntarily turning yourself in, provided there is an active arrest warrant out for you in Anderson County, Texas, can result in more leniency than being picked up or found with an active warrant.

Anderson county arrests

The best place to begin is by contacting the Anderson County, Texas Sheriffs Office. Found in Palestine, Texas at 1200 E. Lacy. Additionally, you can email this office at [email protected].

However, you should be aware that the sheriff may require you to appear in person to file an arrest warrant inquiry. If it turns out that there is a warrant out for you, you may be arrested on the spot.

Alternatively, you can contact the Anderson County Judges Office, which can also perform an arrest warrant inquiry. You may visit the court in person at 703 N. Mallard St #101 in Palestine.

If you are instead just trying to find arrest records for any person in the state of Texas, then you can both call the numbers listed above (or visit them yourself) or utilize a tool provided by the Texas Department of Criminal Justice. This tool, called the Offender Information Search, can provide detailed records of offenders throughout the state. This tool can be located at

Can you get any information pertaining to Anderson County warrants and arrests over the phone? (2021-Update)

Crime statistics of Anderson County

In 2019, the Anderson County Sheriff’s Department dealt with about 400 criminal complaints. Around 365 of the complaints were for property crimes. There were more than 170 cases of larceny-theft, 150 incidents of burglary, and over 40 cases of motor vehicle theft in this category. Allegations of aggravated assault resulted in the filing of more than 20 violent crime complaints.

Search Texas arrest records by county:

Inmate Search

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