Medical Assistance (MA)

What is the income limit?
The income limit and calculations depend on your age and who lives with you. If you are pregnant, blind or have a disability, you also may have a different income limit.

Some people who do not meet the income limit still may qualify using a spenddown (PDF). A spenddown is like an insurance deductible. This means you are responsible for some medical bills before MA pays.

What is the asset limit?
Assets are items people own like cars, checking and savings accounts, your home and financial investments.

Assets that do not count toward the limit include the home where you live, household goods, personal items like clothing and jewelry, and certain assets owned by an American Indian.

What if I have other insurance?
You still may qualify for MA. You must tell us if you have other health insurance or could get coverage through an employer or military service.

Sometimes we can pay the cost of the other insurance so you can keep that coverage.


You will get more details on covered services after your application is approved.

When does coverage start?
MA may pay for medical bills going back three months from the month we get your application.
