Simplest form

Both common fractions and algebraic expressions may be simplified, or written in simplest form.

Common fractions

A common fraction is in simplest form when the greatest common factor of the numerator and the denominator is 1.

Divide by this value for 1.
is expressed in simplest form as .

Did you know?

Many years ago, expressing a fraction in simplest form was called "reducing the fraction." However, the fraction is not reduced — its value stays the same! That's why we no longer use the expression "reducing the fraction."

An expression is in simplest form when no terms can be combined.

3 + 10 = 13
Thus, 3 + (2 × 5) , expressed in simplest form, is 13.

Also called lowest terms, lowest terms of a fraction.

See also greatest common factor, order of operations, simplify..