Introduction Plant needs nutrients for their growth and development. In a systemic agriculture, nutrients are supplied to the plant in different amount, form and time for the economic and optimum crop production. Green revolution realized in the late sixties of the last century is an outcome of efficient use of improved varieties and nutrient management. Success of the green revolution has increased use of chemical fertilizers in the post green revolution era. Soon the chemical fertilizers become indispensible from all the crops including vegetable and plantation crops. Non judicious use of chemicals in the agriculture has lead to the serious health, soil and environmental hazards. Biofertilizers are considered to be the most safe, promising and economic component of sustainable agriculture. Biofertilizer is a substance which contains living or latent microorganisms which, when applied to seed, plant root or soil, colonizes the rhizosphere or the interior of the plant and promotes growth by providing and essential nutrients or increasing the supply or availability of primary nutrients to the host plant. They can applied in all the agronomic, horticultural and plantation crops. Research work carried out at Navsari Agricultural University proved that biofertilizers have potential to reduce the use of chemical fertilizers to the tune of 50 per cent and increase the productivity upto 20 per cent. The microorganisms in biofertilizers restore the soil's natural nutrient cycle and build soil organic matter. Through the use of biofertilizers, healthy plants can be grown, while enhancing the sustainability and the health of the soil. Apart from providing nutrients,

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Peruvian Journal of Agronomy

Nutritious foods are needed for the continuously growing population together with the nutrient for plant growth and production. Inorganic chemical-based fertilizers have been base and are used heavily in today’s soil management procedures, posing serious health and environmental concern. Biofertilizer has been recognized as a reasonable solution for improving soil fertility and crop output in sustainable farming. The use of beneficial microorganisms as biofertilizers has escalated its importance in the agricultural industry due to its potential significance in food safety and sustainable crop production. Biofertilizers can be a valuable component of a comprehensive nutrient management strategy. Overall, nitrogen fixers (N-fixers), potassium and phosphorus solubilizers, growth-promoting rhizobacteria (PGPR), endo and ectomycorrhizal fungi, cyanobacteria, and other beneficial microscopic organisms are incorporated into biofertilizers. Utilizing bio-fertilizers, enhance nutrient and wa.

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The Pharma Innovation

Every year, the world's population grows, posing a serious threat to people's food security as agricultural land becomes increasingly scarce and, in some cases, disappears entirely. As a result, agricultural productivity must be greatly increased over the next few decades to satisfy the high food demand of the emerging population. Not to mention that too much reliance on chemical fertilisers for increased crop production harms both the environment and human health. Bio-fertilizers are one of the most effective modern agricultural tools. It's a gift from agricultural science today. In the agricultural sector, biofertilizers are used to replace traditional fertilisers. Compost, household wastes, and green manure are all used in traditional fertilisers. Chemical fertilisers are more efficient than these. As a result, farmers sometimes try to use chemical fertilisers in the field to help their crops grow. Biofertilizers can help to reduce the high cost of fertiliser use by acting as a cost-effective supplement to chemical fertilisers. Biofertilizers are carrier-based microorganisms that help to increase productivity through biological nitrogen fixation, insoluble phosphate solubilization, or the production of hormones, vitamins, and other plant growth promoters.

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Most of agricultural production in Latin America consists of smallholder farmers who need the development of sustainable technologies, with costs according to their economic condition. Biofertilizers composed of free-living bacteria promote plant's growth, improve productivity through the strengthening of its roots, and reduce the amount of synthetic fertilizer applied to the crops. The aims of this chapter are to highlight the microorganisms commonly used in agriculture as biofertilizers and the main researches carried out in several countries of Latin America, and to describe the development of an experimental biofertilizer for maize, based on strains of Azospirillum spp. and Pseudomonas fluorescens, in the highlands (Sierra Region) of Ecuador. Seven phylum and 95 genera o microorganism used as biofertilizers or Plant Growth-Promoting Rhizobacteria (PGPR) are summarized, along with the benefits, challenges and future prospect of their use. The effectiveness of the experimental biofertilizer developed in Ecuador was demonstrated through several experiments at the green house and field, in which it was evident the increase of root's size, the amount of crocket, the percentage of dry matter, and the crops´ yield. The evaluations, accomplished on farmers' fields showed 30% of increase in yield and 21% of decrease in the cost of production per kilogram; as a consequence of the use of biofertilizer plus 50% of the recommended chemical fertilization, in comparison with standard farming techniques. Farmers can reduce the application of synthetic fertilizers and sustainably increase crop yield through the use of this technology.

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Biofertilizers nowadays have been realised for shifting fortunes in agriculture. It has been proven successful technology in many developed countries while in developing countries exploitation of bioinoculants is hampered by several factors. Scientific knowledge on bioinoculants and its usage will pave way for its effective usage. At the same time overlooking the significance of ensuring and maintaining a high quality standard of the product will have negative impact. Hence a proper knowledge of bioinoculants and its functioning will pave way to tape the resources in a better way. Thus the chapter provide overview knowledge about different bacterial, fungal and algal biofertilizers, its associations with plants and transformations of nutrients in soil. Adopting a rational approach to the use and management of microbial fertilizers in sustainable agriculture thrive vast potential for the future.

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Research & Reviews: Journal of Agriculture and Allied Sciences

The agriculture industry plays a vital role in the survival of nations, therefore maintaining its quantity and quality is essential for feeding the population and economic exports. The industry has undergone various scientific innovations in order to make it more efficient. However, if such advancements, more commonly known as the Green Revolution, have resulted in better yields they have simultaneously also caused the degradation of the environment. Biofertilizers and biopesticides propose a sustainable solution to the reduction in the use of chemical fertilizers while meeting the demands of the growing population. The use of biofertilizers and pesticides in place of chemicals is likely to reduce the impact on soil, air and water and also has the potential to improve human health. They are not only high in nutritional value but also supply productive microbes to the soil. Biofertilizers increase the effectiveness of chemical fertilizers by using a carrier material on which microbes.

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India is one of the nations that have large geographical area under agriculture since time immemorial. Most of the population of India is dependent upon the agriculture and are indiscriminately using chemical fertilizer in agriculture without following any guidelines. These chemicals are causing soil pollution and water pollution which reduces the crop production and are also affecting the living being including humans. When the synthetic fertilizers applied in excess, get accumulated in soil and plant or washed away with the water during monsoon season results the contamination of water bodies. Now days, biofertilizers have identified as an alternative of chemical fertilizers as they don’t affect the environment and human health. These are eco-friendly substances, causing no effects on soil properties and economic. The living cells of biofertilizers convert naturally occurring minerals in to usable nutrients for plants and enhance the crop production. This paper deals with signific.

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