Education requirements to become an infantry squad leader

1-45. This section describes the duties and responsibilities of personnel and habitual attachments in the Infantry rifle platoon and squad.

Note. The duties and responsibilities of leadership and platoon members must be executed even in the absence of a particular leader to ensure mission accomplishment in accordance with the commander’s intent.


1-47. The platoon leader works to develop and maintain situational understanding. This is a product of four elements. First, the platoon leader attempts to know what is happening in present terms of friendly, enemy, neutral, and terrain situations. Second, he knows the end state representing mission accomplishment. Third, he determines the critical actions and events occurring to move his unit from the present to the end state. Finally, he assesses the risk throughout.



1-49. The weapons squad leader leads his teams by personal example. He has complete authority over his subordinates and overall responsibility for those subordinates’ actions. This centralized authority enables him to act decisively while maintaining troop discipline and unity. Under the fluid conditions of modern warfare, he accomplishes assigned missions using disciplined initiative without needing constant guidance from higher headquarters.


1-51. The squad leader directs team leaders and leads by personal example. He has authority over his subordinates and overall responsibility of those subordinates’ actions. Centralized authority enables him to act decisively while maintaining troop discipline and unity. Under the fluid conditions of close combat, the SL accomplishes assigned missions without constant guidance from higher headquarters.